Setting up Pico CMS for
I haven't written this fully yet. But I will at some point. I plan to pick up some of the few interesting posts on which ran on a complex Python system someone had built for the company and now is painful to use. Maybe I will pick stuff from my older personal blog too which ran on wordpress so somehow marked as dangerous by cool.
Key ideas that I liked in Pico CMS:
- minimalist
- markdown
- engine easy to update with one command line
- self hosted (a simple Debian cloud instance at OVH with nginx+PHP, no complex configuration)
- builtin code highlighting with highlight.js
- no database, you just create files or folders!
- attributes are just a file lines at the top of each post (YAML)
- I can just edit using SSH + TextMate (using rmate)
The theme is based on Bits and Pieces but I tweaked it for my needs. Notably to scale better on a phone.
You can read more about Pico CMS here